Latest News

Round Square Conference

Our Round Square Student Representative is on an amazing journey at the Round Square conference in Nairobi, Kenya! The theme of the conference is 'The New Africa,' where students from all around the world are discovering how this beautiful continent is shaping its...

ERV Workout Programme

This week, ERV launched the new Parent Workout Programme! This program is designed for our ERV community to promote a healthier lifestyle that is affordable for all. Sign up at to enjoy sessions in Yoga, Boxing, and Zumba...

Friends of ERV – First Meeting 2023-24

At ERV, we're dedicated to strengthening the bond between parents and our school, all for the well-being of our children and the entire community! Our ‘Friends of ERV’ group is a key to this collaboration.   We're thrilled to share that we had our first meeting of the...



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Ecole Internationale Ruban Vert

Batterie IV, Libreville

GABON BP : 2144

+241 (0)74 84 33 80 / (0)11 44 26 70

CIS - We are an Accredited School
London School of Music
IB World School - International Baccalaureate®
The IMYC is our International Middle Years Curriculum for children aged 11 - 14 years old
Edexcel’s qualifications help learners either progress to higher education or go directly into employment
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme is a curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12
learning village erv
roud square
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
College Board SAT