
Physical Education

“We aim to develop individual skills, excellence, teamwork and leadership through participation in a wide variety of physical activities”.

Physical Education Faculty

“To create an environment focused on innovation, unity, and sustainability where students demonstrate a strong social conscience.”

The ERV Physical Education Faculty firmly believes that by instilling a passion for sport in our students from an early age, the skills and values acquired will be taken on their journey throughout their education and into adulthood, thus becoming an integral part of their holistic education.

We believe that participation in a range of sporting activities develops the individual, as well as growing the sense of unity, teamwork and cohesion. Sport and healthy living should underpin their whole student life and our aim is for students to live their life with a strong social conscience.

It is the Faculty’s goal to give our students the necessary tools and skills to achieve excellence in all they strive to achieve. Physical fitness, discipline and success can contribute towards academic success, and we expect our students to take pride in their performance in the classroom as well as on the court/pitch. While we aim to build competitive, winning teams, our primary mission is to promote the value of school spirit and fair play.

Faculty of PE Goals

  • To use a process of continuous improvement in support of systems and programmes that promote high standards of performance and equally high expectations for learning on and off the playing field.
  • To develop a culture of sustainability that relies on data, research, evaluation, best practices and assessment as tools to measure the effectiveness and productivity of our curriculum.
  • To develop, encourage and support the PE Faculty staff, their programmes to improve instructional standards and professional development to enhance the students knowledge, skills and performance levels in efforts to achieve a high level of success.
  • To promote and encourage ERV pride, sustainability and innovation and a strong social conscience among all our community members.
  • To maintain open and effective communication between the public, the PE Faculty staff, students and parents and so be aware of attitudes, opinions and ideas.
  • To continue to integrate best practices and advanced techniques into all phases of the PE educational process.
  • To ensure that students and staff have a safe and appropriate place to learn, work and play.

Faculty of PE Philosophy

At ERV, participation in our games and sports program is not only a fun and rewarding experience, but also a privilege and a valuable educational experience. Sport can have a monumental and lasting impact upon a student, and with that in mind, students, faculty, and parents approach the games with the following high standards and moral values: sportsmanship, hard work, leadership, individuality and community, learning with passion and rigor, tradition and innovation, and diversity. These ideals reflect the goals of the ERV PE Faculty and are applied specifically to the sports teams and curriculum, as it serves as another arena in which students can improve themselves. Here, as in the classroom, success in one area leads to that in another

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