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’Young Girl Digital Prize 2023’

Congratulations to our Year 11 student for winning the ’Young Girl Digital Prize 2023’ at this year’s National Digital Talent Competition. The theme was ‘What digital solutions can be created to limit the impact of global warming on the forests, the seas and on...

“Connection Prize”

Winning photo for the “Connection Prize” of the ERV Photography Competition 2023. The fascinating image of the intertwining shoes embodies the concept of connection, as it was taken together by one student from ERV and one student from the local school ENS B....

Early Years Parents’ Workshop

Well done to our specialist Early Years team delivering an interactive workshop to parents on ‘The Power of Play’, focusing on: ▪️The benefits / importance of play-based learning in the learning and development of children ▪️Different types of play activities that can...



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Ecole Internationale Ruban Vert

Batterie IV, Libreville

GABON BP : 2144

+241 (0)74 84 33 80 / (0)11 44 26 70

CIS - We are an Accredited School
London School of Music
IB World School - International Baccalaureate®
The IMYC is our International Middle Years Curriculum for children aged 11 - 14 years old
Edexcel’s qualifications help learners either progress to higher education or go directly into employment
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme is a curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12
learning village erv
roud square
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
College Board SAT