Latest News

Great news for our ERV Team!

Great news for our ERV Team! Veena Nambiar, our PYP Coordinator, was accepted in January to train as an IB Workshop Facilitator. She has worked hard over the past few months, training with IB educators across the world, and is now officially an IB Workshop...

Grand Finale for the Female Tennis Tournament!

Last Saturday, ERV hosted the Grand Finale for the Female Tennis Tournament! An intense match between an ERV parent and the National Gabonese champion, Celestine Avomo. A beautiful afternoon where girls and women from different backgrounds connected through their...

Primary Years Programme Exhibition (PYPx)

Our Year 6 students, teachers and parents have launched the Primary Years Programme Exhibition (PYPx). A 10-week journey, during which students will showcase and celebrate all the learning they have acquired in Primary School as part of their transition to Secondary...



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Ecole Internationale Ruban Vert

Batterie IV, Libreville

GABON BP : 2144

+241 (0)74 84 33 80 / (0)11 44 26 70

CIS - We are an Accredited School
London School of Music
IB World School - International Baccalaureate®
The IMYC is our International Middle Years Curriculum for children aged 11 - 14 years old
Edexcel’s qualifications help learners either progress to higher education or go directly into employment
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme is a curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12
learning village erv
roud square
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
College Board SAT