Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is one of the three essential elements that every student must complete as part of the Diploma Programme (DP). 

Studied throughout the Diploma Programme, CAS involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies. It is often thought of as the “fun” part of the Diploma.

It is not formally assessed. However, students reflect on their CAS experiences as part of the DP, and provide evidence of achieving the seven learning outcomes for CAS. 

CAS is an integral part of the IB Diploma Programme. Without passing this element, students are not able to obtain their IB Diploma.

The CIS Accreditation Team commended the, “IBDP students and their faculty mentors for their support of a local government school, thereby taking a leadership role as encouraged and mapped out by the guiding statements”.

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Ecole Internationale Ruban Vert

Batterie IV, Libreville

GABON BP : 2144

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