As I write we are concluding our celebration of Bio-diversity Week on our campus and the range of wildlife that surrounds us on a daily basis. Thanks to the enthusiasm of staff and children under the guidance of Mr Packshaw we have enjoyed an investigative hunt of rare animals in Gabon, the Amazing Race, organized on a House basis, chosen and researched ‘class spirit creatures’.

As if on cue a pair of green parakeets were spotted on campus on Wednesday. To find out more, please see the great photos on the website and ask your children what they have seen and learned.

Children in Early Years were treated to an Indian dance by some mothers wearing saris in advance of Diwali. Secondary have a chance to make rangoli patterns next Friday as part of extra curricular activity time.

Saturday sees the first of our Open Days when we will be welcoming families, visitors from a range of companies and a number of embassies to see what goes on behind the green doors of ERV on a regular basis. We will be repeating the experience next term when we open our classroom doors during a normal working week to allow guests to see ERV at work. I hope to see you with your friends and neighbours.

Next week we put ‘bullying issues’ under the microscope with special sessions led by the school counsellor and Mme Ndong, the school’s visiting psychiatrist during which the children will learn what constitutes bullying and what does not, how to recognise if someone is being bullied and what to do both in the short term and also in the long term with bullies and the bullied.

Half-term break begins after school next Friday 20 October and school recommences on Monday 30 October when we welcome a team from PYP to finalise the accreditation process. Students’ reports will be available electronically (Friday 20 October) for you to discuss their progress over the first half of term prior to the parents’ evening held Tuesday 31 October – just after we return from the break.

With all this activity over the coming week, I wish you all a great weekend.