What a great attendance at last night’s information evening for Parents. While it was mainly intended for new parents, it was great to see a number of you back for the new session. The new term sees us with 7 new members of staff, over 200 students on roll – and a number yet to be assessed for entry. While we are growing in numbers we are also increasing our expectations following our excellent IGCSE results.
I said in my address that the main aim of the evening was to talk about the school’s core values – Excellence, Respect and Virtue – as well as show what a busy and purposeful school we have here in Libreville. I hoped to counter any worry that parents might have who, when they ask their son or daughter what they did at school that tell, receive the answer, “Nothing”. The rest of the evening showcased what goes on in school on a daily basis.

There then followed a quick introduction of new staff as well as key figures in the school community including the school counselor and ECA coordinator.

Thanks to all the staff who gave presentations and who spoke eloquently about the exciting things that are happening at ERV – not least of which being the new courses available across the school such as Design Technology leading to robotics and Further Maths at IGCSE to name a few. (For some robotics is an integral part of the curriculum while for others it will be a compulsory ECA)

M Adam will be addressing parents and students about the IB programme at a later date – as per the calendar. Save the date!

I trust you met the staff you hoped to see. Please remember that the parent/teacher consultation evening takes place later in term when students have done sufficient work for teachers to make meaningful comments.
Thank you to those who offered to help with ECAs and we look forward to your support in other areas.

If you have friends or family who would like to visit the school please came and see us. We have an Open House Day coming up on Saturday 14 October – another date for your diary perhaps.

Have a good week!