Dear Test Center or SSD Coordinator,
In response to the rapidly evolving situation around the coronavirus (COVID-19) and guidance from public health organizations, the College Board is canceling the May 2, 2020, SAT® administration. Makeup exams for the March 14 administration (scheduled March 28) are also canceled. We will provide refunds to all students who are registered for May, whose March test centers were closed, or who do not receive March scores due to an irregularity.
Our top priority is the health and safety of students and educators.
We will provide future additional SAT testing opportunities for students as soon as feasible in place of canceled administrations. We have not yet canceled the June 6, 2020, SAT administration and will continue to assess its status.
Due to the administration cancellations this spring, we expect there will be a high demand for the August SAT. If you have not yet confirmed to Test Administration Services (TAS) that you are available to be an August test center, and you would like to open in August to provide testing opportunities for students, please let TAS know as soon as possible. If you are an SSD coordinator, you will be notified when the August test calendar becomes available.
We will be flexible, thoughtful, and collaborative in exploring ways to continue to support student learning and provide opportunities to test during this challenging time. Thank you for your partnership.
Test Administration Services