Friends of ERV

Friends of ERV

Join Us

Parents who wish to further engage in the wider school process may request to join ‘Friends of ERV’Friends of ERV is open to all current parents of ERV, and ideally should include at least one parent from each year group or school section.

The aim of Friends of ERV is to provide:

  • A forum for discussion and sharing of whole school news, updates and issues
  • A channel for parent voices and views
  • A structure through which to develop parent and community events
  • A contact-point for new and all parents

Friends of ERV is open to all parents, and ideally should include at least one parent from each year group or school section, to represent the range of parent voices and views.

Friends of ERV meetings are twice each term throughout the school year, with parent representatives, Head of School, and a member of the school SLT (Senior Leadership Team) present.

Any parents who would like to join Friends of ERV or who would like to place an item on a future meeting’s agenda can email with “Friends of ERV” in the subject line of the email. We are eager to listen to ideas and receive feedback about how to improve our school.

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Ecole Internationale Ruban Vert

Batterie IV, Libreville

GABON BP : 2144

+241 (0)74 84 33 80 / (0)11 44 26 70

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