‘ERV Through the Eyes of ERV’

  1. The competition is open to all ERV Primary and Secondary students.

Submitting the Photos

  1. Submission date: Monday 13 January 2020
  2. The participant can submit up to 3 photos maximum
  3. The photos should be sent by email including first name, surname and class, and a title for the photo, to: s.puranik@ecolerubanvert.com 

                or on a USB flash drive to the Art Teacher, Mr Shre (Secondary)/ Ms Bakker (Primary)

  1. Students will have to sign a form confirming that they have taken the photos themselves

NB: selected photos will be printed & displayed at our ERV photography exhibition in February 2020

Photo Specifications:

  1. The theme is: ‘ERV through the Eyes of the Students’. You can represent the buildings, nature, students, or something more abstract, such as the light…. Be creative!
  2. Photos can be taken with a camera or any digital device. For taking photos during the school day, you can borrow a school camera – please sign this out at break time from Mr Shre (Secondary) or Ms Bakker (Primary)
  3. Secondary students: If you wish to bring in your own camera to school, please note this is at your own risk. You should ensure this is kept secure in their lockers.
  4. The picture resolution should be 300 dpi per inch. The pictures should be in JPEG format


Photo selection:

  1. The competition judges is formed of an internal panel of photographers. They will review each photo and will identify the overall winner, as well as the photos to be displayed at the exhibition. 
  2. Winners will be announced and awarded in February 2020

Photos will be judged using the criteria below:

  • Inspirational power: the overall impact of the photo, providing detailed and visual appeal to the audience
  • Message: to what extent the the photo delivers a powerful message
  • Originality and Creativity: to what extent the photo is original and creative
  • Technical Quality: colour, lighting, composition, exposure and focus
  • Overall Artistic Impression: artistic merit