School Life

Ecole Ruban Vert School Life
Ecole Ruban Vert School Life

enrichment programme

ECAs are designed to help students learn new skills, gain a more global understanding of this country and continent on a global context. They will develop their teamwork, collaboration, planning and confidence through a range of fun and interesting activities. The vast majority of ECAs are free of charge to all students, and are delivered by passionate teachers and qualified sports coaches and trainers.

Entry to ERV means that you think, act and discover the world differently. Throughout our programmes, we offer our students opportunities that allow them to cope with the incoming challenges and make their own choices.

The school life is an extraordinary experience for every student and at ERV, we strive for making it as unforgettable as possible.

Ecole Ruban Vert School Life
Ecole Ruban Vert School Life
Ecole Ruban Vert School Life
Ecole Ruban Vert School Life

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Ecole Internationale Ruban Vert

Batterie IV, Libreville

GABON BP : 2144

+241 04 84 33 80 / 01 44 26 70

CIS - We are an Accredited School
London School of Music
IB World School - International Baccalaureate®
The IMYC is our International Middle Years Curriculum for children aged 11 - 14 years old
Edexcel’s qualifications help learners either progress to higher education or go directly into employment
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme is a curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12
learning village erv
roud square
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
College Board SAT