House System

House System

We have four houses.
Every student who attends ERV and every employee is a member of a ‘house’ (except the Head of School and the Head of PE).


The four houses are:

The competition runs throughout the year and is balanced between academics (merits), participation in school life and house events.

A teacher is “house leader” for the whole year. He/she makes sure that everyone, especially the students from Early Years to Year 13 engage in the programme and activities.


The House system aims to give students an identity, community and sense of pride in a supportive, secure environment. The Houses provide opportunities for positive competition and a closer relationship between students, teachers and all employees of ERV. They also aim to help new staff and students adapt to the culture of ERV. It will develop the sense of belonging to the school community.

Benefits for Students

  • It allows students to have an opportunity to interact with other students of different ages and backgrounds.
  • It increases opportunities for student leadership.
  • It allows students to participate in a variety of activities outside the classrooms and ECAs
  • It is a great way to get to know more people outside the classroom setting.
  • It can be a source of positive peer-pressure and motivation that can have positive side-effects in the classroom.

House Captains

The job of the House Captains is to take responsibility for leading and organising their house throughout the coming academic year.

House Competitions

The following house competitions take place at regular intervals throughout the year; all competitions give students the opportunity to win house points. These are added together and the house with the highest number of points at the end of the year wins the overall house competition. Students quickly form an allegiance to their house and a sense of fun and friendly competition pervades all the house events.

1. Interhouse Debate
2. Sports Day
3. Toy Drive for Micone Orphanage
4. Design for Change Recycling Project
5. Secondary Interhouse Soccer Competition
6. Primary Interhouse Soccer Competition
7. Semaine de la Francophonie
8. Interhouse Quiz
9. Primary Interhouse Basketball Competition
10. Secondary Interhouse Basketball Competition
11. Interhouse Singing Competition etc.

Academics and Behaviour

The House system promotes and celebrates success. When students make excellent progress in their development, show excellent habits in their behaviour or learning, or make positive contributions to the school and its wider community, they will be rewarded with House Points.


Points awarded will be equally distributed between the four areas

Merits are added on a monthly basis per house. At the end of each half term (last Friday of the month) the house with the most merits will get 20 points, the second 15 points, the third 10 points and the four 5 points. Each event will give 20 points to the house winning overall, 15 for the second place, 10 for third and 5 for fourth

8 + 2 =

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Ecole Internationale Ruban Vert

Batterie IV, Libreville

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