ERV students participated in the VESMUN recently. The Model United Nations, commonly known as MUN, is a simulation of the United Nations and serves as a platform for delegates to come together and debate upon the world’s pressing issues. ERV, having organised the conference twice themselves, had some passionate and

experienced students so when the opportunity of a virtual MUN came by, they did not let it pass. 

The conference was organised by the Vermont Medellin School in Colombia using ‘Google Meets’ .  The addition of a Multimedia hour which

consisted of TikTok and Instagram Challenges and a News Bulletin, for each of the 3 days, updated us on the ongoings of the other committees. One of our challenges was the time difference of 6 hours, with the conference occupying a 7-hour block in the day from 14:00 to 21:00. All of this  made it even more challenging for us to adapt to the dynamic of the debate and the setting of the conference.

Despite the challenges which we have had to face, the conference turned out to be very fruitful for us. We learned new skills, gained knowledge in different fields, made new friends and had an opportunity to participate  fully in the conference and debate, something which we all love. Moreover,

with the 5 of us representing the school in 2 different committees, the African Union and the Security Council, 3 of us even managed to secure awards. Nashe Siwombe and Dany Sigha of Year 13, both won the ’Outstanding Delegate’ and Vidit Goel of Year 10 won ‘Best Delegate’ in their respective committees.