Community Service

Connecting to communities

The Community Service Programme at ERV has been designed to foster in our students a spirit of responsibility, creativity, citizenship and social responsibility and for them to serve as role models in a global society.

The programme is important to help students develop the values of integrity, service and respect for individual differences. It offers students the opportunity to learn about and volunteer with different institutions and Non-Governmental Organisations working in Gabon.

This is currently taken forward via the IB CAS framework and the student-led Community Service ECA group, as well as a range of community initiatives which students develop as part of their inquiry-based classroom learning.

Students are encouraged to develop their own projects and to be active agents of change for issues. Students of the community service club organise fundraising events to raise funds and to help people in need such as orphans, kids who are sick and public schools.

Recent projects include the organisation of beach clean ups and turtle conservation work; activities held by our students in local schools; a second-hand uniform sale with proceeds to a local charity; raising awareness and fund-raising for ‘Octobre rose’ for female cancers; and collections for orphanages and children in need. The current charity we are supporting is ‘Arc en Ciel’, a well-established  centre in Libreville  that takes care of children and families in need.


Text written by the Community Service ECA student group, last updated December 2022

“Feel, Imagine, Act and Share”

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