Science and Maths Week

Science and Maths Week

Welcome to the Science and Maths Week. For this special week, the ERV Science Department invites primary and secondary students to challenge the laws of science and discover intriguing science questions. Stem challenges, Job Fair and Guest speakers will join us for...

QR codes adds mystery to inquiries by PYP Development Team on 8 August 2017 in news and review updates   Jason Hanslo, year 5 teacher, the International school of Gabon Ruban Vert In this article you will read how animal tracks of famous Gabon indigenous animals...
Green journalists go back to work

Green journalists go back to work

The Green Journalists ECA is all about giving the students of ERV the possibility of having their voice heard through their articles and interviews. The news page on the school website is run entirely by the members of the ECA, and moderated/edited by the...
Headmaster’s blog – Friday 19th January 2018

Headmaster’s blog – Friday 19th January 2018

Dear Parents, It was sincerely a pleasure to see you at the Parents-Teacher evening last Thursday. Thank you so much for attending the event as this reassures us educators that we have your support which remains essential to our academic mission. Student Leadership...
Voices from Gabon

Voices from Gabon

The “Voices from Gabon” is a creative writing project in which any genre is welcome. The purpose is to help connect the students further with their community and country through the use of stories, texts and literature. Everything goes! From folktales to...