Primary Years Programme Exhibition (PYPx)

Our Year 6 students, teachers and parents have launched the Primary Years Programme Exhibition (PYPx). A 10-week journey, during which students will showcase and celebrate all the learning they have acquired in Primary School as part of their transition to Secondary...

Ladies Tennis Tournament

ERV is proud to launch a Ladies Tennis Tournament today, in honour of Gabonese Women’s Day, 17 April 2023. An opportunity for women and girls of all backgrounds from across the city to shine and to inspire through the beautiful sport that is tennis. Join us for...

Term 3

We can’t wait to have our students back in school on Tuesday 18 April, for the start of Term 3! #ERV #IntlSchool #Gabon #Libreville #Education #EarlyED #PYP #IBDP


ERV offers a wide range of specialised extra curricular activities for children of all ages, including Fencing held on Monday afternoons. Fencing is a combat sport that combines cohesion and balance, physical and mental skills. For more information contact our...

Photography Exhibition

Getting closer to our 4th edition Photography Exhibition launch! We are honoured to have a highly experienced international jury who have selected the 30 photos for exhibiting from the 100 shortlisted competition entries. With students from ERV and local school ENSB...