Opening of the School Year 2022-23

We were delighted to welcome so many new and returning parents to our ‘Opening of the School Year 2022-23’ event on Friday evening. This was a key opportunity for our Head of School to share with the community our plans for the year ahead and our commitment to...

International GCSE examination results

Our Year 11 students received their International GCSE examination results last week from the Pearson Edexcel exam board in the UK! This is the occasion to congratulate them for their commitment and hard work. We are proud of how they have done and of some excellent...

New Head of Primary and Head of Secondary

We are delighted to welcome to Gabon and to ERV, Mr Chris Larter as Head of Primary and Mr Jonathan Ferreira as Head of Secondary. Our school community will be enriched by the addition of these outstanding educational leaders. Our newly formed Senior Leadership Team...

IB results – 2022

ERV are proud to have achieved a 100% pass rate for the 5th year running with an average total per student of 34.1 points for the rigorous IB Diploma and Bilingual Diploma programmes, following examinations this May 2022. Well done to all our Year 13s.  You made...